18th world congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, Aug 22-26. 2005, Kobe に振り替え
Thursday, August 25, 2005 Kiraku
Chairs: tomifusa Kuboki / Hisanobu Kaiya / Sinobu Nomura
SY 18-1
Recent Development of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Panic Disorder
Yuji Sakano
SY 18-2
Imipramine treatment in panic disorder
Matig Mavissakalian(Professor of Psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University)
SY 18-3
The advantages of SSRI treatement of panic disorder
Borwin Bandelow
SY 18-4
Anxious depression in panic disorder
Hisanobu Kaiya
Friday, August 26, 2005 Kiraku 1
Chairs: tomifusa Kuboki / Hisanobu Kaiya / Sinobu Nomura
SY 24-1
Frontal hypoactivation during word fluency task in patients with panic disorder: A NIRS study
Yuji Okazaki
SY 24-2
Susceptibility gene study of panic disorder in Japanese
Tsukasa Sasaki
SY 24-3
Brain glucose metabolism in panic disorder – A PET scan study
Masami Nishikawa
SY 24-4
Ecological momentary assessment in panic disorder
Yoshiyuki Takimoto
SY 24-5
Association between high activity monoamine oxidase A promoter allele and treatment response in Korean male patients with panic disorder
Young Hee Choi(Mettaa Institute;Affiliate Professor of Psychology, Duksung University)